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Rowan Park School

The Rainbow Flag Award

As part of our commitment to being an inclusive and supportive school to all members of the LGBT+ community all three sites of Rowan Schools have been working towards achieving the Rainbow Flag Award. 

To achieve this award, we have worked closely with YPAS and provided evidence that we have an inclusive curriculum, supportive parents and governors, skilled staff, effective policies, we provide good pastoral support and we allow our children to be included in all we are doing. We were successful in this endeavour in June 2023. 

This is embedded throughout our curriculum and all pupils are encouraged to engage in activities that raise awareness and understanding on a level that is suitable for the individual child.  To maintain this award we work bi-annually with YPAS and The Proud Trust to ensure our curriculum remains inclusive for everyone.

Alongside our inclusive curriculum we also enjoy special events, marches and awareness days throughout the year. 

If you have any questions, worries or concerns feel free to speak to any of the staff below

  • Lynne Cook – The Rowan Tree and Rowan Park School
  • Vicky Millar – Rowan Park School
  • Cathie McDonald-Hollis – Rowan Park School
  • Francis Chialton-Brown – Rowan High School
  • Rachael O’Brien – Rowan High School

Useful Websites:

The Proud Trust 