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Rowan Park School

Home School communication

 Rowan Tree

Class DoJo is a communication platform between teachers and families.

Teachers and families have the facility to send private messages to each other, as well as allowing teachers to send or post whole class updates as well as whole school updates. The private messages will only to seen by the pupils family and the teacher and whole class or school messages will be seen by whoever is in that community. The updates that teachers post could include, what activities and events have happened that week or day and included pictures or any key dates or resources needed for class. This will allow more effective and instant communication for all.

Please Note:

  • Your child’s class teacher will continue to communicate key information about your child’s day each afternoon through Class DoJo’s.
  • Families can send updates to the teacher/Team.
  • Please do not use Class Dojo to notify us if your child will be absent from school, please continue to phone the school office as normal.
  • Teachers will check messages from Home between 8.45am and 9.30am and send home updates about the school day at the end of the school day.
  • Teachers will only respond between 8.45 and 3.30pm.
  • Teachers will not be using the app during school holidays and weekends.

Rowan Park

Class DoJo is a communication platform between teachers and families.

Teachers and families have the facility to send private messages to each other, as well as allowing teachers to send or post whole class updates as well as whole school updates. The private messages will only to seen by the pupils family and the teacher and whole class or school messages will be seen by whoever is in that community. The updates that teachers post could include, what activities and events have happened that week or day and included pictures or any key dates or resources needed for class. This will allow more effective and instant communication for all.

Please Note:

  • Your child’s class teacher will continue to communicate key information about your child’s day each afternoon through Class DoJo’s.
  • Families can send updates to the teacher/Team.
  • Please do not use Class Dojo to notify us if your child will be absent from school, please continue to phone the school office as normal.
  • Teachers will check messages from Home between 8.45am and 9.30am and send home updates about the school day at the end of the school day.
  • Teachers will only respond between 8.45 and 3.30pm.
  • Teachers will not be using the app during school holidays and weekends.



Rowan High


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