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Rowan Park School

Rowan Park

At Rowan Park we provide an ambitious curriculum that enables pupils to be ready to learn, make progress and achieve, whatever their starting points and whatever special educational need they might have.  

We provide our pupils with a curriculum that is broad, balanced, motivating and accessible to all and focusses on developing transferable skills and knowledge that equip our pupils for the next stage in their education and life beyond school as confidently and independently as possible.  

Our curriculum ensures all pupils learning is meaningful, enjoyable, inclusive and engaging. All learning is personalised and takes into consideration the pupil’s learning pathway, interests and learning styles, ensuring access to learning opportunities for all. The curriculum offers breath, balance and sequential learning that enables pupils to build upon their prior learning, know and remember more and be able to generalise skills.  

Teaching and Learning is not limited to ‘lesson time’ but all learning opportunities are utilised, such as break times, snack time, in the playground, in the dining room, personal care routines and when out in the community. These opportunities are planned for and include meaningful generalisation of skills across a range of settings. 

Our curriculum provides our pupils with learning opportunities that are relevant, motivating and offer challenge, we have a structure that encompasses 3 pathways for learning. There are opportunities for progression within and across the pathways as pupils skills and knowledge progress. The pathways are not defined by age but by stage of development. Each pathway covers skills, knowledge and understanding across a range of areas for learning. These are planned to facilitate movement between pathways to ensure the curriculum is flexible and responsive to our pupils needs. 

Pre Formal

This pathway focuses on Communication and Interaction, Cognition and Learning, Social, Emotional and Mental Health and Physical and Sensory. The curriculum is delivered through holistic and rich learning experiences through the three areas that underpin our Curriculum Core (English, Maths, Communication, PHSE & P.E), The World (Geography, History, Science, Music, RE & Cultural Awareness and Art & Design Technology) and Independent Life (Personal Development, Cookery, Life Skills, Preparation for Adulthood, Sensory Regulation and Careers).


Pupils on our Semi-formal pathway are taught a thematic and holistic approach.  English, Maths, Physical Development and PSHE are taught as discrete subjects but are linked to the thematic topic based ‘The World’ Curriculum, which provides knowledge rich and sequenced learning opportunities. 


Pupils on our formal pathway are more independent learners who will access discrete National Curriculum Subjects (adapted in light of their developmental levels and educational needs) achieve qualifications such as Btec, Functional, GCSE.  

Theme Cycles (Please click the links below for more information)


Years 1, 2 & 3

Years 4, 5 & 6

Years 7, 8 & 9